No. 66 Kafi Ave. Taleghani St. Bandar Anzali
28 January - 18 February 2022
For Those who are All Gone!
Wo have been robbed, hit by a storm of disasters and we have no way, but to face the ruins In each moment we become orphans and repeat our existence in those broken mirrors, for all those who are gone Each of those broken pieces, ruined and all of these grays, enclosed in these frames, are a token of every life taken And all of these red, painful strokes, a promise of life; and yet, there is no signs of it in sight! Something is coming, a voice maybe Our voice For now and ever.
Mohammad Bayasteh
Available Nearby Exhibitions
Zero to the Power of Zero
20 December - 30 December 2024
Fresh Repetitions
20 December - 31 December 2024