No. 5, Salmas Sq., Golha Sq., Fatemi Sq.
27 December - 8 January 2014
Headlines is a collection of the most important news of the twenty-first century according to the statistics. News that if not all people, most of us are aware of. Surely there is a lot of news ready to be spread around everyday. But who decides which news is more important, which news is supposed to be the top news and which news should be removed? Which news is more important in a specific time and which news sidelined by the more important news is not that important? The contemporary human is brought up with a patient and an open mouth prepared to swallow the news everyday. The making of this news-food has become one of the biggest and most profitable industries. Being aware of the developing news has become a social virtue and everyone together with fake satisfaction of discovering something that knowingly is placed to be discovered, compete in the knowing. The widespread of this phenomenon more than any other news is in fact the most important news that never finds its way to the headlines.
Hamed Sahihi
Hamed Sahihi
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