No. 10, Mobini Alley, South Mofteh St.
5 May - 19 May 2023
"Imagination is an alive being
It grows in the inner structure of the mind, It creates and destroys,
draws, and gives life.
It is a super-creature of its own making,
operating in the mind but residing in the heart.
It takes what it needs from anywhere, shakes the unconscious, weaves it anew, and presents
it in elegance.
With its inner magic, imagination takes the mind to unknown places
Ideas come to life
They are drawn
Drawing is breathing
It brings imagination into existence,
Infusing it with life."
While imagination is a proper response to a mind that pointlessly wanders, and the presence of drawing as a life-giving force in this context, imbues this pointlessness with value. As both a constructive and destructive organ, imagination also grows similar to any other living species, and drawing, being a dynamic structure, gives life to its organs. This phenomenon runs deeper than the superficial forms of pen and paper, and no term such as "drawing" or "sketching" can accurately convey the essence of the matter because they have usually only scratched its surface whereas the essence of this matter has taken shape in our minds in a different form. Drawing is a manner of thinking that arises from the mind, creating a space for dialogue within its own structure. It provides an environment that helps lead the searching mind, gathering the threads of collective memory at a common point.
Drawing and imagination have planted an ancient bond deep within our minds that is in contact with our self-knowledge and surroundings through a delicate network of connections. For us Iranians, the subtlety of these bonds has always been admirable. What has remained in the mind reveals the thoughts of our ancestors and the turmoil of this subtle movement deep within us. The brain has stored this delightful experience of viewing life and watching the surroundings within itself like a black box. The remnants of our ancestors' fine minds are vibrant within us, seeking beauty in delicately observing different phenomena. Despite the external tumult and destruction of contemporary times, a pleasant residue in praise of the world's delicacy continues to resonate within us, a testament to the internalized ethical standards of our society that admires adornments.

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