Liste Art Fair

ABasel | Switzerland
Liste Art Fair Basel was founded in 1996 and is the international fair for new discoveries in contemporary art. Every year in Basel, a younger generation of galleries exhibits artists who are outstanding representatives of the latest developments and trends in contemporary art. For all visitors, ranging from a high-calibre professional audience to anyone interested in art, Liste is synonymous with experiencing international artistic positions that are not only focused on the present but are also creating it – with new aesthetics, media and values. Many of today's most important and successful galleries for contemporary art laid their foundations at Liste.
Liste Showtime Online was launched in 2020 as a digital art fair. Starting in 2021, the platform will feature galleries and project spaces that are unable to participate in the physical fair, while simultaneously giving galleries at Liste Art Fair Basel the opportunity to expand upon their presentations in the digital realm. Liste Showtime Online allows Liste to further develop its international network and enables collectors, curators and art lovers around the world to gain a global overview of new voices in contemporary art without requiring a physical presence.
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