Epistrophy MT1 is an outstanding installation embedded in the wall. The polished stainless steel becomes the canvas on which the artist reflects the surroundings rather than merely representing them.
The multiple fragments of the delicate medium allow each facet of the reality to dynamically appear on the surface of the work, as space and volume are redefined although the viewer cannot see his own reflection.
Inspired by geometry, mathematics, calligraphy and architecture, Timo Nasseri combines his Iranian and Western cultural heritage in a game with shape, form, space and perception. The result is a kaleidoscopic installation through which the artist reveals his fascination with the traditional muqarna motives seen in the Islamic architecture. With Epistrophy MT1, the artist reappropriates the traditional ceiling vault, composed of a myriad of small niches faced with glass or tiles and turns it into a modern diamond-shaped work of art, which redefines the viewer's understanding of space and time.
Epistrophy MT1 is the largest work by Timo Nasseri to appear at auction. It is one of the finest works ever produced by the artist and is truly an exceptional collector's piece.