• Untitled: from the 'Qajar' series 1998
  • چاپ سیلور برومید روی کاغذ
  • Photography
  • 62 * 94 cm
  • Editions: 10
  • Edition No. 1
  •  signed in Farsi lower right, executed in 1998 this work is number 1 from an edition of 10, framed 
Sell at - Auction House
3 March 2008
Realized Price
Artwork Description

Shadi Ghadirian's Qajar series places modern consumer objects within the framework of early 20th century Iranian portrait photography, a juxtaposition which at first seems playful and comic, but on further examination contains a profound discourse on the role of women in Iranian society. The conservatively dressed figures are shown clutching Western consumer objects, in some cases a can of Pepsi or a ghetto blaster, in this case an acoustic guitar. These anachronisms point to a deeper conflict of identity in Iranian society, one in which the women of Iran, faced with the opportunity and advancements of modernity, are still trapped by a conservative and religious moral ideal that confines and segregates them. Ultimately, Ghadirian's women are caught between tradition and modernity; so close to the promise of freedom, yet unable to attain it.

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Artist Performance at Auctions

Realized Price 7,532 USD
Min Estimate 5,128 USD
Max Estimate 7,248 USD
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