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10 February 2015
Realized Price
Artwork Description

 When describing his work, Ramin Shirdel states that, ‘an image, a poem, a lyric, a landscape or a dialogue’ in everyday life can spark his imagination. Such references, combined with formal considerations of space, merge into an individualised style that explores the simultaneity of lived experiences through mixed-media works. For the artist, working in assemblage creates a sense of dimensionality that alludes to built forms while allowing signifiers of language to come alive as tangible signs as they appear to move across the surface.
 Born in Tehran in 1981, Ramin Shirdel continues to live and work in the Iranian capital. Ramin Shirdel received a Master of Architecture from Tehran University of Art and is an award-winning architect who has designed local and international projects. Although Shirdel chose architecture as his vocation, art, specifically painting, has been with him since childhood. He has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions at Ayyam Gallery DIFC, Dubai (2014); Haft Negah at Niavaran Cultural Center (2012); Elahe Gallery, Tehran (2011) and the sixth Biennale of Sculpture at Niavaran Cultural Center, Tehran (2011). His works are housed in private collections throughout the Middle East and the United States. 
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Artist Performance at Auctions

Realized Price 23,025 USD
Min Estimate 12,994 USD
Max Estimate 18,825 USD
Average Artwork Worth
Average Growth of Artwork Worth
Sales Performance Against Estimates
Average & Median Sold Lot Value
2012 - 2016
Performance vs. Estimate
2012 - 2016
Sell-through Rate
2012 - 2016
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