Mahmoud Saki

Iran | 1988
The Most Expensive Artwork

At Auctions

First Attendance
10 March 2021
# Attendance
# Artworks
Average Realized Price
266 USD
Average Min Estimate
209 USD
Average Max Estimate
349 USD
Sell-through Rate
Average Growth of Artwork Worth
Garden exhibition 7 March
My Name is Green exhibition 21 February

Montakhab-e Nasl-E-No Annual Art Call; From Montakhab to Auctions 25 September 2023
The 13th Annual Montakhab-e Nasl-E-No started its work on July 21, 2023 with the presentation of 44 artists. Annual Montakhabe Nasl-E-No and other open calls in Iran, such as Khor Art Initiative, in the absence of art biennials in the Iranian art scene, consider their duty to discover new talents and monitor what is happening among new generation. Although the effects of these types...