Jamshid Bayrami

Iran | 1961
About Jamshid Bayrami

The Most Expensive Artwork

ArtChart | In the Line of Devotion by Jamshid Bayrami
In the Line of Devotion
Realized Price
At Auctions

First Attendance
17 May 2008
# Attendance
# Artworks
Average Realized Price
13,771 USD
Average Min Estimate
9,133 USD
Average Max Estimate
12,476 USD
Sell-through Rate
Average Growth of Artwork Worth

Man Ray's 'Le Violon d'Ingres' becomes the most expensive photo ever sold at auction
The world's most expensive photo till now just 12 million dollars 12 June 2023
A black-and-white photo titled "'Le Violon d'Ingres" by Man Ray, an American artist who lived in Paris, sold for $12.4 million at Christie's auction on May 2022. In this report, the photography market and auction houses active in this market have been discussed.