Abbas Shahsavar

Iran | 1983
About Abbas Shahsavar

The Most Expensive Artwork

At Auctions

First Attendance
12 December 2023
# Attendance
# Artworks
Average Realized Price
8,617 USD
Average Min Estimate
6,333 USD
Average Max Estimate
9,000 USD
Sell-through Rate
Average Growth of Artwork Worth
… And Poetry Will No Longer Serve exhibition 15 November
Present Illuminations exhibition 16 February

A Short essay on Iranian miniature painting market 9 May 2023
Iranian painting can be divided into three general categories: traditional miniature painting from Mani to the end of Safavid period, painting from the Qajar and Pahlavi periods, and contemporary miniature painting. In the meantime, the miniature painting of the Qajar and Pahlavi period, of which Hossein Behzad is an example of its artists, has received less attention; But the works...