Amin Noorani

Iran | 1964
About Amin Noorani

The Most Expensive Artwork

At Auctions

First Attendance
12 August 2021
# Attendance
# Artworks
Average Realized Price
5,018 USD
Average Min Estimate
4,390 USD
Average Max Estimate
5,983 USD
Sell-through Rate
Average Growth of Artwork Worth
Landscape Plateau exhibition 13 December
Dust exhibition 29 November
… And Poetry Will No Longer Serve exhibition 15 November
A Tree-Rich Garden exhibition 15 November

artworks by Sonia Balassanian and YZ Kami
Why are the works of some artists so similar? 3 September 2023
If we assume the creativity in the work of art as one of the basic components of measuring the value of an artwork, then we may ask how it is that some works are very similar to the works of other artists, but still have a significant value in the art market? In this essay, Azadeh Bagheri tried to answer this question by comparing the works of two Iranian artists.