Why is the offering of loans backed by artworks increasing globally?
Using artworks as collateral for loans is not a new concept, but recent reports suggest that this practice is experiencing a notable rise and becoming increasingly prevalent in the global art market.
31 August 2024
Why is the offering of loans backed by artworks increasing globally? 31 August 2024
Using artworks as collateral for loans is not a new concept, but recent reports suggest that this practice is experiencing a notable rise and becoming increasingly prevalent in the global art market.
22 of the Most Expensive Works of Islamic Art in Auctions (Part 2) 24 August 2024
To keep the content concise, this top 22 list has been split into two parts, focusing on auctions from 2010 onwards. This timeframe not only allows for easier access to data but also reflects the dramatic surge in prices in recent years, making older figures less relevant. The "Maharajas & Mughal Magnificence" auction has been purposefully excluded to prevent it from overshadowi...
22 of the Most Expensive Works of Islamic Art in Auctions (Part 1) 18 August 2024
To keep the content concise, this top 22 list has been split into two parts, focusing on auctions from 2010 onwards. This timeframe not only allows for easier access to data but also reflects the dramatic surge in prices in recent years, making older figures less relevant. The "Maharajas & Mughal Magnificence" auction has been purposefully excluded to prevent it from overshadowi...
Artchart in Interview with the President of the Mohsen Vaziri-Moghaddam Foundation 17 August 2024
He calls his father simply "Mohsen." Mohsen Vaziri Moghadam, one of Iran's most renowned artists—a painter and sculptor—would have turned 100 this year. On this occasion, Hamon Vaziri Moghadam, his son and the president of the Mohsen Vaziri Moghadam Foundation, has organized an exhibition of his father's works. This program will be displayed in 22 galleries across Tehran and other c...
Observations on the pre-modern Islamic Art auction market 12 August 2024
This article is a Persian translation of Margaret Hong's "Observations on the Pre-Modern Islamic Art Auction Market." It provides an in-depth analysis of the market's trends over the past decade, noting significant fluctuations in sales and interest among major auction houses like Sotheby’s and Christie’s. The article also examines the growing appeal of specific categories, such as...
Tehran Auction Analysis: A Comprehensive Report Collection 6 August 2024
The Tehran Auction began operations in 1391 (2012/2013) and has since conducted nineteen sessions across four categories: Modern and Contemporary, Classic and Modern, Contemporary, and Modern. Artchart has meticulously reviewed each session, compiling detailed reports for reference. This page provides convenient access to Artchart's reports on the Tehran Auction, serving as a centra...
Why Are Collaborative Exhibitions Among Galleries Increasing? 28 July 2024
Collaborative exhibitions, born from the cooperation among galleries, have been increasing in recent years. This trend is also evident in Iran, with such events on the rise, as seen in the recent multi-gallery exhibition celebrating the 100th birthday of Mohsen Vaziri-Moghaddam. In light of this artist's exhibition, the following report provides an overview of gallery collaborations...
Iranian Art of the 1990s and 2000s: Trends, Movements, and Market (Part Two) 24 July 2024
The 2000s and 2010s are considered pivotal decades in the landscape of Iranian art. During this period, new artistic approaches were introduced into the Iranian visual arts scene by both the public and private sectors. The art market also began to take an interest in Middle Eastern art, organizing the first auctions dedicated to these works. In the early auctions specifically focuse...
Iranian Art of the 1990s and 2000s: Trends, Movements, and Market (Part One) 17 July 2024
The 2000s and 2010s are considered pivotal decades in the landscape of Iranian art. During this period, new artistic approaches were introduced into the Iranian visual arts scene by both the public and private sectors. The art market also began to take an interest in Middle Eastern art, organizing the first auctions dedicated to these works. In the early auctions specifically focuse...