Untitled (1976), Parvaneh Etemadi
A Look at the Market of Works of Iranian Female Artists
In its annual publications, Artchart consistently evaluates the contributions of both male and female artists. Notably, in the report from the 19th Tehran auction, there is a focused analysis on the achievements of female artists throughout all Tehran auctions. The document presented below has been meticulously prepared to offer an in-depth investigation into the market presence of Iranian female artists.
16 March 2024
A Look at the Market of Works of Iranian Female Artists 16 March 2024
In its annual publications, Artchart consistently evaluates the contributions of both male and female artists. Notably, in the report from the 19th Tehran auction, there is a focused analysis on the achievements of female artists throughout all Tehran auctions. The document presented below has been meticulously prepared to offer an in-depth investigation into the market presence of...