
Tehran | Iran
 Since the beginning of Emkan’s activity, we rarely held an exhibition as a single, isolated event. Our general strategy for choosing each collection was to find common traces with the previous shows; traces that have been either neglected or regarded as isolated, individual trials.  Our aim was to emphasize certain practices in today’s art scene of Iran and to fabulate new narrations. Of course, these narrations cannot claim comprehensiveness. The whole project was mostly a matter of experimentation and many factors had limited our project. However, from all positive and negative feedbacks that we received, it seems fair to say that we manage to offer a perspective and make it public for further evaluation. 
Our future plan is still to pursue this road, broadening it as much as we can and cover more aspects and works. Besides holding exhibitions, we are also going to continue our activities in book publication and holding workshops. The “Seda project” would be also followed by its emphasis on sound installations and audio performances, both practically and theoretically. 
And last but not least, the ultimate aim of Emkan is to enforce a common space and this could not become 

truly "possible" unless with the help of serious and critical perspectives of its artists and audiences.
To go paperless, Emkan uses digital notifications and invitations! 
Finished Exhibitions

Empty Room
28 February - 14 March 2025
31 January - 14 February 2025