Testimony of a Journey: The Al Zayani Collection auction

  • Sotheby's London
  • 25 April 2023
  •  The Al Zayani collection represents a singular and unique journey. Comprising eighty-two works by both the masters and emerging artists from the Middle East, North Africa, Turkey and Iran, this selection encapsulatesone family’s collection and reflects the modern and contemporary art scene throughout a rich and diverse geographic region. The family’s boundless and eclectic taste is revealed throughout this curated home in which generations and aesthetics interact. The auction is led by avant guard artists such as Gazbia Sirry, Fouad Kamel, Hamed Nada and Abdel Hadi El-Gazzar to contemporary artists such as Ayman Baalbaki, Hayv Kahraman, Behjat Sadr and Farid Belkahia. Above all, although the focus of this sale is regional, it is also universal in showing the growth and development of a passionate and dedicated collector.