20th Century, Modern & Contemporary Fine Art auction

  • Stair Galleries New York
  • 2 June 2022
  • Our 20th Century, Modern & Contemporary Fine Art sale includes works by American, European and Latin American Modern, Post-war and Contemporary artists representing many of the 20th and 21st centuries? fine art movements.  Highlights include works by Adam Fuss, Eduardo MacEntyre, Antoni ClavĂ©, Hugh Steers and a selection of prints by Josef Albers. Sculpture highlights include works by Augustin Cardenas, Maria Nunez del Prado, Elie Nadelman and Francisco Zuniga. Also included is a curated selection of works from the collection of Asher and Michelle Edelman.

Auction Report

Sales Performance Against Estimates
Min Estimate $1,500
Max Estimate $3,000
Total Sale $5,120
Average Artwork Worth $5,120
Artists 1
Artworks 1
Sold Artworks 1

Realized Prices vs. Average Estimates
Top 10 Expensive Lots Against Estimate
Top 10 Lots with Highest Growth vs. Average Estimate
Comparison of Artwork Prices Across Price Points
Total Sales Based on Artist Nationality
Lots Offered by Medium
Lots Offered by Living/Deceased Artists
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