Rosita Sharafjahan

Iran | 1962
About Rosita Sharafjahan

At Auctions

First Attendance
22 October 2012
# Attendance
# Artworks
Average Realized Price
Average Min Estimate
Average Max Estimate
Sell-through Rate
Average Growth of Artwork Worth
In Memory of Hadi Jamali 2 exhibition 17 January

نمای خارجی گالری شماره 13 خیابان ونک - چیدمان نازگل انصارنیا
The Role of Galleries in the Art Market; Iranian Gallery Owners and Multilateral Strategies 26 August 2023
In the system of art economic, galleries are part of the primary market, although they also sell works privately through their networks in the secondary market. Gallery owners in Iran have gone beyond these and included online auctions to art calls in their work plans. This multilateralism is evident in the activities of many Iranian gallery owners, because the burden of promoting v...
Rosita Sharafjahan in a conversation with Artchart
Art Community, Social Movements: A series of conversations: Rosita Sharafjahan 22 March 2023
Managing a gallery in Iran after the Islamic revolution is undoubtedly associated with the name of Rosita Sharafjahan. Sharafjahan, the director of Azad art gallery, tells about how to continue the path in the recent changes during the 20 years of gallery management and side activities affecting the progress of gallery owners. A situation where perhaps only dialogue and interaction...
Interview with Rosita Sharafjahan, director of Azad Art Gallery
Knowledge creates collectors: A dialogue with Rosita Sharafjahan, Azad Art Gallery's director 23 August 2022
When the Azad Art Gallery was established in the beginning of the 2000s in Tehran, the number of galleries in the whole country was very small compared to today. However, in the passage of these two decades and the remarkable growth of the art economy in Iran, the role of galleries such as "Azad Art Gallery" has been serious and worthy of reflection. Many of today's famous artists o...