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The Iranian Art Market Beyond Borders: 10 Iranian Artists Exclusively Active in the Global Market
15 September 2024
Before the establishment of Tehran Auction in 2012, cities like Dubai, London, and Paris were the primary hubs for the sale of Iranian art. With the launch of the auction, Tehran joined the global art market map. Artists whose works had not previously been sold publicly were introduced to the market, with some even gaining access to the international art scene. While Tehran Auction has had a positive impact by bringing certain artists into the global market and increasing the value of artworks, there are still artists whose works remain exclusively within the domestic market, with little to no presence beyond Iran’s borders.
On the other hand, there are artists whose market is primarily based outside Iran and whose works have not yet been introduced to the domestic market. These artists tend to be younger and are often part of the Iranian diaspora. Their works do not necessarily fit within any specific artistic category, though the exploration of identity and the culture of their homeland is evident in the creations of some. The following provides an overview of the art market for 10 of these artists.


Sevana Boghossian
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