Pricing Artworks: Science or Emotion?
The price of an artwork is influenced by a complex interplay of factors that include supply and demand, the artist's career stage, medium, provenance, market trends, and emotional value. The primary art market, where artworks are sold for the first time, relies heavily on galleries to set prices based on reputation, education, and quality. Meanwhile, the secondary market, involving resales through auctions or dealers, adds variables like rarity and provenance, which can significantly impact prices. Auction results often serve as benchmarks for an artist's value, reflecting collector demand and influencing broader market trends. For living artists, milestones like institutional recognition and solo exhibitions play a pivotal role in price increases. Ultimately, the unique and limited nature of artworks ensures that pricing remains a blend of art and science, driven by both tangible factors and subjective value. 
30 November 2024
Pricing Artworks: Science or Emotion? 30 November 2024
The price of an artwork is influenced by a complex interplay of factors that include supply and demand, the artist's career stage, medium, provenance, market trends, and emotional value. The primary art market, where artworks are sold for the first time, relies heavily on galleries to set prices based on reputation, education, and quality. Meanwhile, the secondary market, involving...
Art Books: Exploring Authenticity, Symbolic Value, and the Market 1 October 2024
With the emergence of the global art market in the latter half of the 20th century, art itself became a commodity. The financial volume exchanged in buying and selling artworks surpassed all expectations. As a result, art began to gain more recognition not only through aesthetic standards but also through its rising material value. This shift—the transformation of the art world into...
Deciphering the Venice Biennale: Balancing Artistic Showcase with Commercial Intricacies 6 May 2024
Many people believe that art showcased at events like the Venice Biennale isn't up for sale, viewing it solely as a government-backed showcase for contemporary art. However, this perception doesn't quite align with reality. While it's true that artworks themselves can't be bought or sold within the context of these biennials, the art market has ingeniously found ways to capitalize o...
Auctioning Art: The Contemporary Role of Auctions in the Art World 14 April 2024
The rise of artwork as a tradable commodity in the modern era has fueled the expansion of the art economy, leading to a proliferation of auctions. However, what impacts has this growth brought to the art world? Somayeh Ramezanmahi addresses this inquiry by elucidating the notion of 'artwork value'.
Can artificial intelligence finally price an artwork without human intervention? 22 May 2023
In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence in the art world has attracted a lot of attention. Most of these attentions have been focused on the production of artwork by AI, while one of the important applications of artificial intelligence in art can be valuation, pricing and price prediction in auctions. Therefore, in this article, we have tried to point out the art apprai...
Andrea Mantegna’s The Triumph of Alexandria
Drawing market: the best-selling medium after painting 24 January 2023
Drawing ranks second after painting in terms of sales value in the art market. This short essay discusses about the medium of drawing and its place in the art market.