Why Are Collaborative Exhibitions Among Galleries Increasing?
Collaborative exhibitions, born from the cooperation among galleries, have been increasing in recent years. This trend is also evident in Iran, with such events on the rise, as seen in the recent multi-gallery exhibition celebrating the 100th birthday of Mohsen Vaziri-Moghaddam. In light of this artist's exhibition, the following report provides an overview of gallery collaborations and the organization of joint exhibitions.
28 July 2024
Why Are Collaborative Exhibitions Among Galleries Increasing? 28 July 2024
Collaborative exhibitions, born from the cooperation among galleries, have been increasing in recent years. This trend is also evident in Iran, with such events on the rise, as seen in the recent multi-gallery exhibition celebrating the 100th birthday of Mohsen Vaziri-Moghaddam. In light of this artist's exhibition, the following report provides an overview of gallery collaborations...
نمای خارجی گالری شماره 13 خیابان ونک - چیدمان نازگل انصارنیا
The Role of Galleries in the Art Market; Iranian Gallery Owners and Multilateral Strategies 26 August 2023
In the system of art economic, galleries are part of the primary market, although they also sell works privately through their networks in the secondary market. Gallery owners in Iran have gone beyond these and included online auctions to art calls in their work plans. This multilateralism is evident in the activities of many Iranian gallery owners, because the burden of promoting v...