Overview of Marko Grigorian's Artistic Legacy and Art Market Influence

19 June 2024
Marko Grigorian was born in 1925 in Kropotkin, Russia. In 1930, he and his Armenian family migrated to Tabriz, Iran. He began his painting studies at the Kamal-ol-Molk Art School and continued his education at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome from 1950 to 1954. Upon his return to Tehran in 1954, Grigorian held his first solo exhibition at the Iran-America Society and established the Esthetic Gallery the same year. He continued his work at this gallery-studio-residence until 1958. One of Grigorian's most significant contributions to the Iranian art scene was the establishment of the Tehran Biennial in 1958. Additionally, he is considered a pioneer of conceptual art in Iran. This text presents a summary of Grigorian's artistic activities and market influence.

This essay is exclusively available in Persian.


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