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Introducing Some Prominent NFT Artists in Iran and the World
18 November 2023
The value of NFT is largely related to the artists who created it. If an artist is known in the field of traditional or digital art, their NFT productions will also receive more attention. NFT artists in Iran and around the world are usually found through their high volume followers in social media, or they even work under pseudonyms or anonymously. Among these artists, there are also figures who are also active in the fields of traditional or digital arts.
In the following, based on the inquiries we had from some artists in this field, we will introduce a number of successful NFT artists in Iran and around the world.
In the following, based on the inquiries we had from some artists in this field, we will introduce a number of successful NFT artists in Iran and around the world.


Sevana Boghossian

Amirreza Taghizadeh
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