This is a translation of the article titled "Cultural Policy and Generative AI: The Classic Copyright Dilemma", originally written by Hamidreza Sheshjavani, PhD, and published on LinkedIn. The original article can be accessed here. The Farsi translation was conducted by Raheleh Yousefi.
Cultural Policy and Generative AI: The Classic Copyright Dilemma
17 September 2024
Although the first significant attention to the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution emerged in the cultural sector, notably through the 2016 DeepMind Challenge Match, the prevailing belief was that AI would not significantly impact the fields of culture and art in the near future. This assumption, however, proved incorrect. Perhaps this is why, in June 2024, the Cultural Policy Hub at OCAD University convened an important policy roundtable to address critical issues surrounding the development of policy and regulatory frameworks in response to the rapid adoption of generative AI (GAI) tools in the cultural and creative industries (CCIs). One key topic discussed was how to shape regulatory frameworks that ensure robust copyright protections and safeguard the future of laborers within these industries.
This article, written by Hamidreza Sheshjavani and translated by Raheleh Yousefi, was prepared in response to a central question raised during the roundtable: In a post-AI world, what kind of regulatory frameworks must be established to ensure that copyright can secure a better future for artists and workers in the cultural industries?


Raheleh Yousefi

Hamidreza Sheshjavani
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